Saturday, 27 September 2014


At first, it wasn't easy for any of us.  I was so stunned that someone so vile could give me something so precious.
Marjorie was just simply stunned.

Traumatised by the Nit Nurse (who gave him the thumbs up!), Alfie would sob on his bed for hours.

 And I knew the little tyke was secretly skyping his mother!

 Despite Lavinia's encouragement that her half-brother live with us, there was little she could do to welcome him.  What with taking GCSE's and all that - (at least that's what I think she's doing!)

 Natch, Marjorie did very little to help the difficult situation:
"Got rid of one brat, now lumbered with another!  He's not getting a penny you know!"

"Don't mind Marjorie", I assure the boy, "She's soft as shite.  Just don't hide the Gin and you'll be fine."

However, on his ninth birthday, when we bought him a shower, things started to thaw:

"Now I know you really love me!", he squealed excitedly as he started to strip off.

So now there's someone permanently in our spare room.....

 And the damndest thing is, I don't even mind!  

 Well, family complete and all that, I think we're wrapped up for now.  Tune in soon to Paul's Passions where a really juicy scandal shakes the Amanda Ann's to it's bones!

There's also action shortly from our Slaggs!

You may now touch that dial!!!  (But not for long!)

Toodle pip!


  1. It's probably a class thing; brown shoes with a dark suit; not something that Pat would allow me to do. Perhaps I should start watching Downton as well as here if I am to learn how to dress properly.

    PS - Pat is an avid follower of Downton, I'm now surprised that she would comment. Then I can't lie of the sofa (settee?) with my shoes on either.

  2. It's Paul's grey pullover that I find grim, and that yellow shirt! Just for sitting round the house too. Yes, that was known as a terrible faux pas to have black and brown together, but maybe the dipossessed aristocracy can get away with it!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't watch Downton. I was beginning to feel I was.

    Yes, you should NEVER lay on the sofa with your shoes on! Paul is pushing the boundaries there!


  3. Just hurry up with the next series please. I am so going to miss nitty boy. Don't care what colour the shoes are!! Xx

  4. Well, Debra, sit tight! It's nearly time for The Slaggs!! (Guest Starring Nitty Boy) xxx
